Tuesday, August 01, 2006

And a Beginning..!!

I had never thought I would blog one day...for not one but many reasons.
For starters I am a person who hasnt even maintained a dairy to pen down personal thoughts. And so I am pretty surprised with myself; surprised to see my thoughts find their way out and yeah ! even more surprised to accept that they will be visible to the whole world out there.

I have always been lucky to have family and friends around me, with whom I could share what I think. Be it my joy or my despair. My confidence or my inner apprehensions; my jubiliant celebrations on a success or reflections to learn from my mistakes. To share a laugh and to moan a cry ; to participate and to guide; to understand and nurture my thoughts ; to discuss, analyze or even remorse. They've been there all throughout.
But today, as life becomes more hectic, schedule tight and days packed, I wonder where those moments have escaped....
"GUess its just me who is getting busier day by day ! " is the thought that I ruminate upon at times.."Am I gettin so involved in my daily chores that I spare no time for myself to cogitate and care."
"Why is it that many a times these days a thought that occurs dosent reach a logical end? " I ask myself.."Why doesnt a new born idea generate a spark any more ? "

Yeah yeah !! I know its me :-) who dosent carry the thought forward.
So herez an attempt to put down what I think, to communicate what i feel, and yes to contend for what I believe :D

Hoping to rekindle the old times, the attitude, the outlook and the vigour...I start to write.

I dont know how far this will continue, will i have the determination to write or will I succumb to laziness ?? Will this energy and spirit prevail or will lack of time become the lame xcuse ?? Ignoring these thoughts for now, I decide to write, for , all the glory comes from daring to begin !!

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