Thursday, March 15, 2007

Proprietary post ....

Tomorrow is my last day at work and boy I am still submitting code, running checklist and debugging problems. Seeing all this, my cube mate Niti reveals her sheer surprise at this...saying 'Why am I doing all this in my last week? I shud be relaxing and enjoying ..'
Relaxed I am ...very much ...but sum how I dunno from where hav i got this sudden urge to get back to work, to check code submissions, to share tips to use tools and debug stuff...Even I am amazed…I wasn’t like this ;) usually at wrk

It’s a weird feeling actually…..its like I’ve been studying for the last 2.5 years and now it’s the end of term….and I am vomiting out all that I learnt….cauz after the exam all that I mugged wont be of any use….tats how proprietary stuff the Mumbai University syllabus …. :) ….of no use once one is out of that system…and not commercially viable outside.

Though tats got nuthin to do with me wrkin till the last day…but ya wrkin just makes me feel connected…nywayzzz…so …How am I feeling ….ya well…ummmm ….mab later ……


zoxcleb said...

wow. 2.5 years. Amazing. I did it for 2, and it was tough to leave.

I like the way u put it in perspective. Yes, 2.5 years of maturing. Thats all it can count for. The work that u did will probably never be something u will do again. Its the experience of it all. The long nights, the deadlines, the pressure, the interactions. Nothing can substitute those.

Your spirit in the last week is amazing. Hard at work, when you know that next monday you can laze around. And shop for your new life! :-)

kads said...

interesting feelings in the last week at work! break the nexus with something that has been a defining part of your life indeed brings up some unaticipated feelings. Inspite of the fact that you know you are moving on for the good...all things that your association (2.5yrs...phew!) has shown you come to your mind racing back as (you would put it) several Virar fasts on parallel tracks :) dont want to get on to them now, but cherish the moments you spent on them :D cool...all set for a new chapter in life!...All the best! :)