Friday, July 20, 2007

Socha Na Tha ...

What a week it has been !!

Flew to Bombay twice in 4 days

Wrote 4 exams between the 2 flying visits

Participated in B school case competition @ SPJain – lost in the finals L

Met one of my darling pals :D from engineering college, currently @ SP

Pleasantly bumped into couple of colleagues from TCS Nortel – again @ SP

Encountered compounded levels of shocks to see the differences in SP and ISB

Worked on 2 major assignments

Ate, Slept, Ate, Slept, Slept, Slept, Ate, Slept ….after the exams

Shopped all day and hardly bought anything for myself !!!!!!!!!! ( yeah even I am surprised)

Will be meeting my best friend from college tomorrow J

Now just need a good book and a masala entertainer to call it a week.

P.S – Socha na tha is just the song playing in the background ;)


Brian Dsouza said...

:)...yeah...have decided next time around to stick around for results

Satish Bhat said...

Hope you had a good time in Mumbai, all the best for T3 :-)