Thursday, May 24, 2007

Anyone who says sunshine brings happiness, has never danced in rain

I loved the rain as a child. I loved the sound that went pitter patter . My earliest memories of rainy season are of when I was about 4 and used to rhyme ..."Rain rain Go away " . Wonder if I then knew what I was reciting.

Imagine the feeling of going to school on a rainy day only to realise that its been declared holiday.Its almost like waking up early and realizing that you have so much more time to sleep.

I vividly remember my first gardening lessons... trying to plant a mango tree, digging the soil, and planting the seed. But I clearly remember the rains that were pouring then. Yes ! the hope that the rains would magically transform the mango seed into a big blooming tree.

Getting drenched in the rain, feeling the rain on the face ..... the rejuvinating aroma of the wet earth, the hiss of the air and the deapth of the dark skies....the genesis of new life, purging away the worries...Giving way to a new world - Pure, sharp, sparkling and ebulliant.
And so when it rained the day I landed in was such a treat. Another celebration happened after the poured and it poured like crazy...ISB campus was transformed into a resort....
Missing Anushakti days,the campus,the rainy seaon, the long walk with friends, getting each other drenched, the BARC project, the serenity of the hillside, the stormy sea, the mighty winds, the Bombay monsoon, the Marine drive, the bhutta-wala, the cutting chai....
Needless to say ...the song playin right now ... Sawan barse tarse dil .....


VKM said...

this does sound like a school essay!! :) but its nice.
U are right..its lovely here when it rains!

Quest said...

LOL ...yeah i told u i rote a primary class essay ;)

Satish Bhat said...

Hey, its a good post ! reminded me of the time it POURED in chennai 2 years back. The city was one nice big pond !

Keep at it.

zoxcleb said...

wow... the bombay monsoons... 3 yrs now.. :-(

and here i am.. in a place that doesnt even have clouds!!

Quest said...

Thanks Satish and GPS to cover up on Vinods comments ;)

VKM said...

but i said its nice, too!
not fair!!!!

zoxcleb said...

well duh!