Monday, November 19, 2007

Forever Parents

Last week I came to know, one of my friends has adopted a baby girl and I must say I am damn proud of the couple. In India its still not one of the 'in' things people would do, but I think it’s a very noble gesture.

While such acts are still limited to celebrities and media gaze and attention,
It takes quite a lot of familial and social convincing for a common man to do it. I am sure my friend was both lucky and brave to be able to proceed with the resolution.

Hats off to you my brave couple!


kads said...

you captured the whole thing just right in this small yet wonderful post :)...that's so sweet of you!

Quest said...

Their act is what makes this post wonderful actually :-)

zoxcleb said...


Vishnu Vasudev said...

Hmmm...mixed feelings on this. I firmly believe that nothing personal (especially something like adoption)should be done primarily because it is the 'right' or 'noble' thing to do. If we go ahead with it because of the right reasons then fine, but if it is because of faddish reasons then things could go horribly wrong. What matters in the end is the day to day living, and the nobility of the initial thought will not help then!

One thing I definitely don't understand is having one's own kid and then adopting another - despite best intetions there will surely be complications at a later date.