Monday, August 11, 2008

Getting Virtual

Nope, not talking about our online avtaars or social networking sites. I am talking about virtual desktops. Our PC’s will soon go virtual.
We’ve been hearing about remote solutions for quite some time. But what makes me happy is that this news has trickled down from the techie sites to our own ET. Check this link out,curpg-1.cms

Be ready to see more of this.

Mood – Virtually elated :-)


kads said...

cool...this is also going to have a deep impact on the OS market. This will make them so irrelevant :) Gates are closing in on Gates :)

Quest said...

I like the pun :-)
But I m not so sure tat's gonna happen. Let's wait and watch.

zoxcleb said...

a project like this is actually being explored by a prof i worked with at school. Internet Suspend Resume (ISR), where u log into ur stuff from any dumb terminal with an ISR client. It gets u the stuff u were working on, and when u are done, ships it back over to the server farm. The only time u really need the connection is when u are getting information from ur storage.

With VMWare, its possible to have a lot of terminals in one box, but that sees more use in a datacenter where u can then ship VMs from one machine to another in order to effectively load balance, and keep the overall temperature of the datacenter as consistent as possible, to allow for better cooling solutions.

What u spoke abt, or are dreaming about still seems quite far off, but is getting there with todays, ePC and gPC.

Its gonna be an interesting, and bumpy ride :-)

Quest said...

Not dreaming about ...I know there are a lot of issues with virtual desktops, licensing to begin with; but we surely are getting there .. or so I pray :D that this happens fast.